August 6, 2003

A.F.L.-C.I.O. Joins Fight Against California Recall


SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 5 — Gov. Gray Davis of California, turning to one of the Democratic Party's traditional pillars of support, received the backing today of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. in his recall election.

The executive council of the national labor organization, meeting in Chicago, approved a resolution that opposed the recall and endorsed a central component of Governor Davis's strategy: that no prominent Democrat should run as a possible successor to him.

"We call on all state leaders in the Democratic Party to stand united with the governor, and stay off the recall ballot," the resolution said. The council's vote was unanimous, said one official in attendance, Art Pulaski, executive secretary-treasurer of the California Labor Federation, a group that took a similar stand over the weekend.

The action by the national organization followed Governor Davis's appearance before the group on Monday. The support came at a crucial time for the governor, who has been warding off critics in his party as Saturday's filing deadline for candidates to replace him nears.

Many Democrats are anxious about the party's decision to stick by Governor Davis and not field a candidate on the portion of the ballot that will ask voters to select a successor should he lose the recall vote, now set for Oct. 7.

United States Representative Loretta Sanchez, a Democrat from Orange County, said today that Democrats "deserve to have a choice" on the replacement ballot. Ms. Sanchez said her choice would be United States Senator Dianne Feinstein, but if she remained on the sidelines Ms. Sanchez would consider running.

"It is a possibility," she said. "I am a very reluctant candidate. I am going to be up to the last minute asking Dianne to run."

So far, 389 people have indicated an interest in appearing on the ballot, including many Democrats, but none of the state's top Democratic officials has broken ranks with Governor Davis, according to the secretary of state.

In another show of solidarity with Governor Davis, the Democratic National Committee issued a letter today, signed by nine presidential candidates, opposing the recall and calling it a "partisan Republican effort" aimed at furthering "the right-wing agenda" of President Bush and other Republicans in Washington.

The letter called California an important "Democratic holdout" against the Republicans, sidestepping any mention of Governor Davis's low job performance ratings or the state's budget problems.

The double dose of good news pleased supporters of the governor.

"We are delighted that labor unions and the vast majority of the Democratic Party continue to stand with Governor Davis," said Peter Ragone of Californians Against the Costly Recall, a committee formed by Governor Davis. "I hope the few strays out there take notice."

The California Labor Federation sent a letter on Monday to the state's Democratic elected officials alerting them to the "unequivocal position of the labor movement" on the recall.

"I am telling people that you have to stand on your principles," Mr. Pulaski said in a telephone news conference from Chicago. "We are not guided here merely by the short term or practical reaction of politics, but a principle upon which we stand, that this is a hijacking of an election."

Mr. Pulaski acknowledged that many Californians were unhappy with Governor Davis and frustrated with the state's problems.

But he said he was confident that his members would rally around the governor once the case was made that the recall was the work of "extreme members" of the Republican Party. He singled out Representative Darrell Issa, the San Diego Republican who financed a large part of the signature-gathering for the recall to qualify.

Though decisions about financial support from the unions were not made, Mr. Pulaski predicted that it would be a "significant" amount.

Supporters of the recall predicted that Governor Davis, even with the backing of the labor leadership, would be unable to turn the tide of discontent.

"I think what's happening today is one last desperate attempt by Davis's labor allies to hold the fort," said Phil Paule, director of Rescue California, one of the main pro-recall groups. "If I were labor right now, I wouldn't risk my future on a failed California governor."

Mr. Paule said that the pro-recall groups were preparing legal responses today to lawsuits challenging the election, including one filed on Monday on behalf of Governor Davis, that are being considered by the California Supreme Court. He said that Rescue California received donations of $50,000 each on Monday from Mr. Issa and the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger to help cover the mounting legal costs. It was Mr. Schwarzenegger's first contribution.

Mr. Schwarzenegger has said he will announce Wednesday whether he will enter the race. The columnist Arianna Huffington has also called a news conference for Wednesday, and is expected to run.

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