
Reimer Enzo* Neo Photo's Guestbook



Birthday card


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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What's my exact name?
  2. What do my names mean?
  3. Who won the pool?
  4. Pool? What Pool?
  5. What were the guesses?
  6. If I would have been a girl, what would my name have been?
  7. Why is this site in English?

What's my exact name?

My exact name is Neo Roan Raphael Rigtering

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What do my names mean?

Neo comes from the Greek word "new" and is also the African word for "Gift". Even though some US people believe it to be of American origin. Probably they only know the name from the science-fiction trilogy "The Matrix" where the main character Neo is played by Keanu Reeves. The name Neo in the movie is an anagram of the "One". Although my parents were aware of this association, it did not play a major role in their deliberations. As a matter of fact the name is brought up by my older brother Reimer when he raised this name - among lots of other suggestions - that my parents did not give a second thought. However, when they checked out the meaning of the name it became their first choice for me.

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Who won the pool?

I guess I did...

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Pool? What pool?

Please find details here for the origination of the pool.

The number of entries for me was again considerable less - but thanks to the ones who entered the competition.

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What were the guesses?

Beneath you can find an overview of the pool entries. Between brackets you can find the related gender for the name: g stands for girl and b stands for boy. To protect the privacy of the entrants only first names are given.



Analysis: xx names are guessed and xx of them where girl names while x names are boy names.
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If I would have been a girl, what would my name have been?

Since my parents did explicitly ask to not reveal my gender before I was born, they had to find a boy's name and evaluated the girl name they had in mind at the time Reimer and Enzo were born. They did change the original girl name slightly and again my parents do not reveal the alternative name(s) yet....

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Why is this site in English?

This site is in English because we have a lot of Friends abroad: many are from Germany and Poland. For these friends it will not always be easy to visit us. Some parts are Dutch and German as well (look e.g. at the Birthday card) -

Maybe a full Dutch version will emerge at a later stage.

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