
Reimer Enzo* Neo Photo's Guestbook



Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What's my exact name?
  2. What do my names mean?
  3. Who won the pool?
  4. Pool? What Pool?
  5. What were the guesses?
  6. If I would have been a girl, what would my name have been?
  7. Why is this site in English?

What's my exact name?

My exact name is Enzo Esper Nathanaël Rigtering

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What do my names mean?

Different sources come up with different explanations. The name has an Italian origin. It could be derived from the Germanic ent "giant"; or it could be a short form of names ending in enzo, such as Vincenzo. Other sources mention "From high origin" and - most uncomfortable for the father - is a source that says that Enzo means "Ruler of the home".

Although my parents were not aware of this at the time the name was fixed - they later heard that the founder of Ferrari has the same name (Enzo Ferrari) which in my opinion is not half as bad as when i would have been called Emil

is derived from Espen which means Bear God. Another example that my parents were thinking about names - but not really  thinking through. A very interesting elaboration on my name can be found here.

From the Hebrew name Nethane'el which meant "God has given". In the New Testament this is the name of an apostle also known as Bartholomew.

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Who won the pool?

I guess I did...

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Pool? What pool?

Please find details here for the origination of the pool.

The number of entries for me was considerable less - but thanks to the ones who entered the competition.

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What were the guesses?

Beneath you can find an overview of the pool entries. Between brackets you can find the related gender for the name: g stands for girl and b stands for boy. To protect the privacy of the entrants only first names are given.




Tim (b)


Sanne (g)

Lotte (g)


Jesse (b)


Tiedo (b)

Sharonne (g)

Rifka (g)


Thijs (b)

Nina (g)

Corina and Gino

Maartje (g)

Brammetje (b)


Chris (g)

Thijs (b)


Christan (b)

Lisa (g)


Michael (b)


Eamon (b)


Beatrice (g)


Nastia (g)

Analysis: 19 names are guessed and 10 of them where girl names while 9 names are boy names.
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If I would have been a girl, what would my name have been?

Since my parents did explicitly ask to not reveal my gender before I was born, they had to find a boy's name and evaluated the girl name they had in mind at the time Reimer was born. They did not change the original girl name and again my parents do not reveal the alternative name(s) yet....

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Why is this site in English?

This site is in English because we have a lot of Friends abroad: many are from Germany and Poland. For these friends it will not always be easy to visit us. Some parts are Dutch and German as well (look e.g. at the Birthday card) -

Maybe a full Dutch version will emerge at a later stage.

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